
Altenau Wilderness Path

On Altenau Wilderness Path you can accompany nature on its way back to wilderness

Nature in the National Park is given the opportunity to develop freely. To observe this natural transition, you can either roam through our Park for one year and collect impressions, or simply visit our wilderness path in Altenau and learn how a forest cultivated by man turns into a natural forest. This happens gradually, gently, step by step, but in a powerful and visible manner. It gets even more visible over time and therefore it is worth coming back.

You will find this 800 m long path depicting nature's virtue when you follow the signposting at the Rose car park near the Altenau exit on the B 498 heading to Clausthal-Zellerfeld.

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Die grün gekennzeichneten Linien zeigen das Wegenetz des Nationalparks Harz. Offizielle Wanderwege sind im Gelände ausgeschildert. Bitte wandern Sie nur auf ausgeschilderten Wegen. Im Nationalpark gilt ein Wege-Gebot, damit die Natur auch Ruhezonen hat.