
Nature Myths Path

Follow the mythical traces of the relationship between man and nature

Myths are one of the mankind's oldest cultural assets. They provide an insight into thoughts and feelings and express how the environment was explained. The Nature Myths Path near Braunlage, with its ten interactive stations, invites adults and children to follow the mythical traces of the relationship between man and nature. Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? Or is it man who is scary? Are man and wolf perhaps connected much more than we realize? What symbolic power emanates from a tree? And why enchant us with beauty and the singing of birds? Listen to the singing of water nymphs. Make a wish come true at the wishing tree. And find yourself in the maze.

For those who want to know more, each station has a designated book – the "Forest Library".
The 4-kilometre-long circular trail is very accessible. About three hours of walking leads through varied landscapes and vegetation. You can reach the path from the National Park meeting point at Braunlage youth hostel after about 600 metres (car parks in Braunlage at the weather station and the sports field in Von-Langen-Straße). Group tours of the path can be arranged at Sankt Andreasberg National Park House (website in German).

During the winter months, the stations are dismantled.

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Die grün gekennzeichneten Linien zeigen das Wegenetz des Nationalparks Harz. Offizielle Wanderwege sind im Gelände ausgeschildert. Bitte wandern Sie nur auf ausgeschilderten Wegen. Im Nationalpark gilt ein Wege-Gebot, damit die Natur auch Ruhezonen hat.