
The lynx enclosure near Rabenklippe

Information about the lynx enclosure near Rabenklippe: Face to face with lynx

The animals with tufted ears are back in our forests. Like all cats they are very shy. Those who can spot them in the wild can count themselves lucky. In order to give everybody the opportunity to see them we have built an enclosure near Rabenklippe, close to Bad Harzburg. Here, you can watch the lynxes as they lie in the sun, climb trees or sneak through their territory.

The public feeding of the animals is especially popular. It takes place on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2:30 pm.

You can either walk there or take a bus (KVG line 875 / timetable in German) from Bad Harzburg. The bus runs from early April to mid-November.

Information for groups:
Registration for the public lynx feeding is not necessary. However, for groups exceeding 20 people the registration is necessary because of the bus (KVG line 875). Please call +49 5322 52017.

For more information about the lynx project click here ...

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